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Urijah Faber Founder, Team Alpha Male Under the leadership of Urijah Faber, Team Alpha Male has become the top fight team, a title awarded at both the and World MMA Awards. Based out of Sacramento, California our current roster consists of over 30 professional fighters of different backgrounds, genders, races, and nationalities, fighting for more than ten MMA organizations.
TAM has had a tradition of winning and has produced past and present, and Champions! With our Train with TAM program, you have the unique opportunity to train alongside our pro team.
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Are you a beginner looking to learn how the best train, while sweating off a few pounds? A martial arts student wanting to broaden your knowledge base? A seasoned fight vet who wants hands-on training with guys similar to those you’ll meet in the ring? Whatever your reason, Train with TAM can help you achieve your goals. Your exact schedule will be up to you and we will help you to tailor-make your stay with us educational, as well as memorable.
We provide very reasonable package deals that include lodging in one of our team houses and ground transportation to all of your training, as well as a few planned excursions during your stay. Book your trip today and let us show you how rewarding training with TAM can truly be! MMA Our intensive MMA program was forged from the combined training methods of our warriors who have poured their heart and soul into the sport of MMA. Our MMA training program is headed by Justin Buchholz, who adds over a decade of personal MMA fighting as well as cornering hundreds of fighters under the Team Alpha Male banner. The unique curriculum of TAM’s MMA program will challenge even the most seasoned vet and everyone will certainly take home knowledge they can put to use in their continued training.
Wrestling The vast majority of Team Alpha Male’s fighters grew up wrestling. Our claim to fame has always been a predominant wrestling base.
With recently retired UFC fighter Danny Castillo at the helm, our wrestling classes stay consistently full. His commitment of honing the modern wrestling coach position is on display daily and our fighters are reaping the rewards. The amount of knowledge in the room at any given time will have you learning from hundreds of years of combined wrestling experience. If you want our most physically grueling class, this is it. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu The transition from Jiu-Jitsu to MMA is often challenging.
Alpha And Omega Curriculum Homeschool
Fortunately, we have 3 masters who have all done so successfully. Chris Holdsworth, our head professional coach, had an undefeated MMA career and first broke into the UFC by winning The Ultimate Fighter reality series.
Sidelined by injury, Chris has shifted his focus to coaching. Chris holds a black belt under Marc Laimon and has been competing in BJJ since he was a child. He has the knowledge to help you grow your standard BJJ base, but can also provide a wealth of information to help you grow your BJJ as it relates to MMA. Our two assistant coaches are Fabio Prado, a 3rd degree black belt under Carlson Gracie; and Dustin Akbari, a 2nd degree black belt under Cassio Werneck. Fitness MMA fighters are well rounded athletes. The fitness program within the Train with TAM program is a mix of functional movements, weighted resistance, and high intensity cardio programs.
Endurance is a key factor required for fight duration as well as for high volume short bursts. Our fitness staff offers group and individual programs to help you increase your endurance and productivity, while also burning calories and having fun.
We also have an in-house nutritionist who can pair your workouts with a meal plan to ensure your caloric intake and output are working symbiotically.