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Full text of ' 7. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation gtate of Connecticut REGISTER and MANUAL 1979 Prepared Pursuant to Sec. 3-90 of the General Statutes by Secretary of the State Published by the State under the authority of Sec. 4-1 19 of the General Statutes HARTFORD 1979 O X — Died in Office, July 23, 1793. 2 Died in Office, July 19, 1807.

'Died in Office, October 8, 1823. Ied September 29, 1937, and Thomas Hewes was appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy. ♦Resigned November 1, 1937, and Guy B. Holt was appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy. 'Resigned November 15, 1961 to become a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.Appointed November 20, 1961 by Governor Dempsey to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John A.

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7 Resigned February 11, 1970 to become Stale Bank Commissioner. ^Appointed February 11, 1970 by Governor Dempsey to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Gerald A. ^Resigned June 28, 1973 to become Judge of the Superior Court. Io Appointed June 29, 1973 by Governor Meskill to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Robert I. Took oath of office on July 2, 1973. COMPTROLLERS The office of Comptroller was created in 1786 by virtue of an act of the General As- sembly and thereafter until 1838 appointments to this office were made by the General Assembly.

The Constitutional Amendment of 1836 provided that the Comptroller be elected by the people, in a manner similar to that of other State Officers, and since the year 1838 this method has been in effect. Previous to the establishment of this office, orders on the Treasurer might be drawn by the Governor, or assistants, or by justices of the peace for sums under forty shillings. The Committee of the Pay-Table, which this office superseded, was originally established to liquidate and adjust accounts of expenses relating to the War of the Revolution. The Comptroller is required to adjust and settle all public accounts and demands, excepting grants and orders of the General Assembly. The prescribing of the mode of keeping and rendering all public accounts is his responsibility. Periodically, the Comp- troller renders an accounting of the State's financial operations. All obligations against the State, by purchase order, are approved and recorded by the Comptroller.

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The official accounting records of all State departments and institutions are maintained in his office. The compilation of employees' payrolls for all State depart- ments and institutions is another of his responsibilities, as is the providing of telephone service and standard forms. He also provides the administration of the various Retire- ment Systems other than Teachers' Retirement. The Comptroller, by direction of the General Assembly, administers numerous mis- cellaneous expense accounts of the State. The total expenditures from these accounts, plus the cost of operating the Comptroller's office, and the expenditures from trust funds whose payments originate in the Comptroller's office exceed $215,000,000 a year.