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Of in the city of, during the Great Flood of 1862 Date December 1861-January 1862 Location, The Great Flood of 1862 was the largest flood in the of, and, occurring from December 1861 to January 1862. It was preceded by weeks of continuous rains and snows in the very high elevations that began in Oregon in November 1861 and continued into January 1862. This was followed by a record amount of rain from January 9–12, and contributed to a flood that extended from the southward in western Oregon, and through California to, and extended as far inland as in the, and in the, and in the western. Immense snowfalls in the mountains of the far western United States caused more flooding in Idaho, Arizona, and the following spring and summer as the snow melted. The event was capped by a warm intense storm that melted the high snow load.

The resulting snow-melt flooded valleys, inundated or swept away towns, mills, dams, flumes, houses, fences, and domestic animals, and ruined fields. Contents. Background The weather pattern that caused this flood was not from an type event, and from the existing Army and private weather records, it has been determined that the polar was to the north as the experienced a mild rainy pattern for the first half of December 1861.

SAND MINING AND GRAVEL EXTRACTION FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN. GABORONE' is my own. Of river sand, pit sand and gravel from sampled rivers and open areas surrounding Gaborone developing. Non-renewable natural resource with potentially rapid degradation rates and extremely slow formation and.

In 2012, hydrologists and weather experts concluded that the precipitation was likely caused by a series of that hit the Western United States along the entire West Coast, from Oregon to Southern California. An atmospheric river is a narrow band of water vapor about a mile above sea level and about 400 to 600 kilometres (250 to 370 mi) wide. Prior to the flooding, Oregon had steady but heavier than normal rainfall during November and heavier snow in the mountains.: 76–83 Researchers believe the jet stream slid south accompanied by freezing conditions reported at Oregon stations by December 25. Heavy rainfall began falling in California as the trough moved down over the state, remaining there until the end of January 1862 and causing precipitation everywhere in the state for nearly 40 days. Eventually the trough moved even further south, causing snow to fall in the and surrounding mountain ranges. Impact by region Oregon There was an excess of precipitation in November 1861 over most of Oregon, less so in the extreme northwest. It was cold enough at the higher elevations that much snow fell in the, which, when later melted by the warm rains produced a great quantity of water that flooded into the and other streams in the Cascades.

Tributaries of the Willamette rising in the did not rise so high. Then the depression that came in at the beginning of December produced strong, warm southerly winds in Oregon, with extremely heavy rain. The crest of the flood was reached at on December 3; at on the 4th; at, between Oregon City and, on the 5th; at on December 8, a second rise at Albany greater than the first. The crest at Albany and Salem were the highest ever known at any time. In Oregon, the flood was one of the largest in the history of the and the rest of Western Oregon.

Basic dysrhythmias online. Nuclear cardiology is no longer a medical discipline residing solely in nuclear medicine. The book is designed to increase the practitioner's knowledge of cardiovascular medicine, thereby enhancing the quality of interpretations through improved accuracy and clinical relevance.The text is divided into four sections covering all major topics in cardiology and nuclear cardiology: • Basic Sciences and Cardiovascular Diseases • Conventional Diagnostic Modalities • Nuclear Cardiology • Management of Cardiovascular Diseases Keywords. This is the first book to recognize this fact by integrating in-depth information from both the clinical cardiology and nuclear cardiology literature, and acknowledging cardiovascular medicine as the fundamental knowledge base needed for the practice of nuclear cardiology.

Flooding was heaviest on rivers with tributaries arising from the snow-covered Cascade Range. An article in the December 14, 1861, Oregon City Argus, described the course of the flood at Oregon City: During the month of November the rain had been falling almost continuously, and a vast amount of snow must have accumulated in the mountains. Tuesday evening a gloom settled on a scene such as probably never was witnessed in our Valley before. The ceaseless roar of the stream made a fearful elemental music widely different from the ordinary monotone of the Falls; while the darkness was only made more visible by the glare of torches and hurrying lights, which with the shouts of people from the windows of houses surrounded by the water, all conspired to render the hour one of intense and painful excitement. The flood has covered the highest mark of January '53, and is still rapidly rising. As late as anything could be seen the mills were still standing, but the insatiate monster is still creeping up inch by inch, winding its swelling folds round the pillars and foundations of all the houses in its way, crushing and grinding them in the maw of destruction, and sweeping the broken fragments into a common vortex of ruin. All night as on the night previous, people whose homes were being invaded hurried to places of security, glad to escape even with the sacrifice of all their goods.

The light of Wednesday morning revealed a scene of desolation terrible in its extent no less than in its completeness. The Oregon City and Island Mills, Foundry and Machine Shop were all gone.: 76–77 Flood waters were so high that at Oregon City at the flood's crest on December 5, the steamer St.

Clair was able to run the falls, and steamers were able to visit points at some distance from the normal river channel. Although large amounts of wheat and flour were swept away, some was recovered when Oregon City's Island Mill was found on downriver from Portland.

The nearby town of was completely destroyed by flooding and was not rebuilt. In addition, the flood destroyed the historic town of, site of the first provisional government in Oregon, and, across the Willamette River from. Neither was rebuilt.: 78 The flooding was also severe in other parts of Oregon; the had the greatest flood known even to the oldest Native Americans, and water was 10 to 15 feet (3.0 to 4.6 m) higher than the 1853 flood. It rose from November 3 to December 3, subsided for two days, then rose again until the 9th. At Fort Umpqua, communication upriver was cut off above Scottsburg, and the river was full of floating houses, barns, rails and produce. At, the swept away settlers' property and also did great damage on the and on other small streams.' : 78–79 Flood damage was so great because the rivers in Oregon were the main routes of travel.

The river front was the building site of mills, freight depots, and storehouses for grain and other foodstuffs. Business houses and many residences were near the landings. Farm buildings were mostly on sites convenient to the rivers, along with supplies of feed for livestock. Loss of so much wheat flour and demand from the new Idaho gold fields caused a spike in its price from $7 to $12 per barrel. Idaho In the interior of, in what is now, the storm creating the flood in Oregon dumped its precipitation as an unprecedented snowfall. Flooding on the Columbia River and the snow in the mountains closed off supplies to the new mining towns on the, causing starvation among the miners of, cut off from December until May 1862.

In early July, as the heavy burden of snow in the mountains melted, the runoff caused great flooding. The flooded from extremely high runoff and is believed to have been four times larger than its largest recorded flood in 1943. Flood waters made the river expand to a couple of miles wide. It washed away or covered the original route of the in the river valley. California California was hit by a combination of incessant rain, snow, and then unseasonally high temperatures.

In Northern California, it snowed heavily during the later part of November and the first few days of December, when the temperature rose unusually high, until it began to rain. There were four distinct rainy periods: The first occurred on December 9, 1861, the second on December 23–28, the third on January 9–12, and the fourth on January 15–17. Native Americans knew that the Sacramento Valley could become an inland sea when the rains came. Their storytellers described water filling the valley from the Coast Range to the Sierra. Northern California , located in, was destroyed by the flood in December 1861 and abandoned on June 10, 1862. Bridges were washed away in and counties. At Red Dog in Nevada County, William Begole reported that from December 23 to January 22 it rained a total of 25.5 inches (65 cm), and on January 10 and 11 alone, it rained over 11 inches (28 cm).

At, John Carr was a witness to the sudden melt of snow by the heavy rain and onset of the flood in December 1861 on the Trinity River: From November until the latter part of March there was a succession of storms and floods. The ground was covered with snow 1 foot (0.30 m) deep, and on the mountains much deeper.

The water in the. Seemed like some mighty uncontrollable monster of destruction broken away from its bonds, rushing uncontrollably on, and everywhere carrying ruin and destruction in its course. When rising, the river seemed highest in the middle. From the head settlement to the mouth of the Trinity River, for a distance of one hundred and fifty miles, everything was swept to destruction.

Not a bridge was left, or a mining-wheel or a sluce-box. Parts of ranches and miners cabins met the same fate. The labor of hundreds of men, and their savings of years, invested in bridges, mines and ranches, were all swept away. In forty-eight hours the valley of the Trinity was left desolate. The county never recovered from that disastrous flood.

Many of the mining-wheels and bridges were never rebuilt. Two years later saw near, the debris of the flood: The floods of two years ago brought down an immense amount of driftwood from all the rivers along the coast, and it was cast up along this part of the coast in quantities that stagger belief. It looked to me as if I saw enough in ten miles along the shore to make a million cords of wood.

One I measured was 210 feet long and 3 1/2 feet at the little end, without the bark.: 495 Central Valley The entire Sacramento and valleys were inundated. An area about 300 miles (480 km) long, averaging 20 miles (32 km) in width, and covering 5,000 to 6,000 square miles (13,000 to 16,000 km 2) was under water.

The water flooding the Central Valley reached depths up to 30 feet (9.1 m), completely submerging telegraph poles that had just been installed between San Francisco and New York. Transportation, mail, and communications across the state were disrupted for a month. Water covered portions of the valley from December 1861, through the spring, and into the summer of 1862. The rainy season commenced on the 8th of November, and for four weeks, with scarcely any intermission, the rain continued to fall very gently in San Francisco, but in heavy showers in the interior. According to the statement of a Grass Valley paper, nine inches of rain fell there in thirty-six hours on the 7th and 8th inst. The next day the river-beds were full almost to the hilltops. The North Fork of the at rose thirty-five feet, and in many other mountain streams the rise was almost as great.

On the 9th the flood reached the low land of the. In, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada astride the, about 40 miles (64 km) east of Modesto, the town's homes, its mill, and most of its businesses were ruined by the flood. The bridge spanning the river initially withstood the flood waters but was destroyed when the debris of the bridge at Two-Mile Bar, only a short distance up river, torn from its foundation, crashed into the Knights Ferry Bridge, crushing the truss supports and knocking it from its rock foundation. All Sacramento, excepting one street, part of Marysville, part of Santa Rosa, part of Auburn, part of Sonora, part of Nevada City, and part of Napa were under water. Some smaller towns like and were entirely destroyed. Sacramento. Sheet music cover depicting Sacramento flooding, sited at the junction of the Sacramento and American Rivers, was originally built at 16 feet (4.9 m) above low-water mark, and the river usually rose 17 to 18 feet (5.2 to 5.5 m) almost every year.

The New York Times reported on January 21, 1862 that a trapper who had spent more than 20 years in California had frequently boated over the city's site, and in 1846, the water at the location was 7 feet (2.1 m) deep for sixty days. On 27 December 1861, the Sacramento River reached a flood level of 22 feet 7 inches (6.88 m) above the low water mark, after rising 10 feet (3.0 m) during the past 24 hours. The city of suffered the worst damage due to its, which lay in a wide and flat valley at the junction of the and rivers. When the floodwaters entered from the higher ground on the east, the levee acted as a dam to keep the water in the city rather than let it flow out. Soon the water level was 10 feet (3.0 m) higher inside than the level of the Sacramento River on the outside.

John Carr wrote of his riverboat trip up the Sacramento River when it was at one of its highest stages of flood. I was a passenger on the old steamer Gem, from Sacramento to. The only way the pilot could tell where the channel of the river was, was by the cottonwood trees on each side of the river. The boat had to stop several times and take men out of the tops of trees and off the roofs of houses. In our trip up the river we met property of every description floating down—dead horses and cattle, sheep, hogs, houses, haystacks, household furniture, and everything imaginable was on its way for the ocean. Arriving at Red Bluff, there was water everywhere as far as the eye could reach, and what few bridges there had been in the country were all swept away. Dozens of wood houses, some two stories high, were simply lifted up and carried off by the flood, as was 'all the firewood, most of the fences and sheds, all the poultry, cats, rats and many of the cows and horses'. The Chinese in their poorly built were disproportionately affected.

A was sent to break open the levee, which, when it finally broke, allowed the waters to rush out of the city center and lowered the level of the flooding by 5–6 feet (1.5–1.8 m). Eventually the waters fell to a level on a par with the lowest part of the city. From January 23, 1862, the state capital was moved from flooded Sacramento to San Francisco. Southern California In, beginning on December 24, 1861, it rained for 28 days in.: 243 In the the mining town of was washed away by flood waters. The flooding drowned thousands of cattle and washed away fruit trees and vineyards that grew along the. No mail was received at Los Angeles for five weeks. The Los Angeles Star reported that: The road from, we hear, has been almost washed away.

The San Fernando mountain cannot be crossed except by the old trail. Over the top of the mountain. The plain has been cut up into gulches and arroyos, and streams are rushing down every declivity. The plains of Los Angeles County, at the time a marshy area with many small lakes and several meandering streams from the mountains, were extensively flooded, and much of the agricultural development that lay along the rivers was ruined. In most of the lower areas, small settlements were submerged. These flooded areas formed into a large lake system with many small streams. A few more powerful currents cut channels across the plain and carried the runoff to the sea.

In Los Angeles County, (including what is now ) the flooding created an inland sea lasting about three weeks with water standing 4 feet (1.2 m) deep up to 4 miles (6 km) from the river. In February 1862, the Los Angeles, and Santa Ana Rivers merged. Government surveys at the time indicated that a solid expanse of water covered the area from to, a distance of approximately 18 miles (29 km).: 38 At, the narrow coastal plains were flooded by the rivers coming out of the mountains.

The that was still drawing water from a tributary of the Ventura River for the town of water system, was abandoned due to the damage in the area that become the separate in 1873. In, all the fertile riverside fields and all but the church and one house of the colony of, were swept away by the Santa Ana River, which overflowed its banks. Father Borgotta ringing the church bell on the night of January 22, 1862, alerted the inhabitants to the approach of the flood, and all escaped. In, a storm at sea backed up the flood water running into the bay from the, resulting in a new river channel cut into. The continuous heavy downpour also changed the look of the land, the previously rounded hills were extensively cut by gulleys and canyons. To the north, in the, similar snow and flooding conditions as those to the east in (see below), led to the local Paiute suffering the loss of much of the game they depended on.

Cattle newly driven into the valley to feed the miners, competed with the native grazers and ate the native wild plant crops the Paiute depended on to survive. Starving, the Paiute began to kill the cattle and conflict with the cattlemen began, leading to the subsequent. Economic impact On March 1862, the Wool Growers Association reported that 100,000 sheep and 500,000 lambs were killed by the floods. Even in San Francisco Bay near Oakland were reported to be dying from the effects of the immense amounts of freshwater entering the bay. Full of sediment, it covered the oyster beds. One-quarter of California's estimated 800,000 cattle were killed by the flood, accelerating the end of the cattle-based ranchero society. One-fourth to one-third of the state’s property was destroyed, and one home in eight was carried away or ruined by the flood-waters.

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Mining equipment such as sluices, flumes, wheels and derricks were carried away across the state. An early estimate of property damage was $10 million. However, later it was estimated that approximately one-quarter of the taxable real estate in the state of California was destroyed in the flood. Nevada The Basin of the eastern California and western (now ), suffered from a similar pattern of flooding. Flooding began in December 1861 in Carson Valley from a series of storms in the upper Carson River basin.

Two feet (61 cm) of wet heavy snow fell on December 20, 1861, accumulating on the valley floor. Snow was followed by a period of very cold temperatures which froze the snow, followed by a three-day rain starting on December 25, 1861. By January 2, 1862, the town of and the area surrounding it had been flooded. In the vicinity of, there had been light snowfall in November, then mild weather until Christmas Eve, when there began a heavy and rapid snowfall for days.

The temperature dropped below zero and the passes over the were closed. During the second week of January, it warmed slightly, and the snow became a torrential rain. Esmerelda and Willow gulches overflowed their banks and flooded Aurora. With water standing up to 3 inches (76 mm) deep in many buildings, adobe buildings turned to mud and collapsed. After a week, it cooled again, and snow began to fall again. Within a few days, the snow was deeper than it had been before the rains had begun to fall. Samuel Young of Aurora recorded in his diary that the snow and rain had fallen for 26 days out of 30 since December 24, 1861.

Utah The early southwestern settlements in:, and were nearly destroyed by a flood on the and, that followed 44 days of rainfall in January and February 1862. Survivors of Fort Clara established the modern town of a mile east of the old fort on the Santa Clara River.

And were founded in 1862 by settlers flooded out of Adventure, Northup and other places in the vicinity. Settlers were driven from when the fort had to be abandoned after most of its adobe walls were washed away during this flood.

And, in, were the settlements created by refugees from this disaster later in 1862.: 174 Arizona In western, heavy rains fell in late January, causing severe flooding of the and. On January 20, 1862, the Colorado River began to rise, and on the afternoon of January 22 it rose suddenly in three hours from an already high stage nearly 6 feet (1.8 m), overflowing its banks and turned in into an island in the midst of the Colorado River. At 1 o’clock on the morning of January 23, the river reached its crest. A mile down river from Fort Yuma, and, across the from it were washed away.

The river overflowed its banks to the extent that there was water 20 feet (6.1 m) deep on a ranch in the low-lying ground just above where the Gila River joined the Colorado. The riverside home of steamboat entrepreneur and the nearby Hooper residence were the only places in the town unharmed because they were built on high ground. Colorado City had to be rebuilt on higher ground after the 1862 flood. The Gila River also flooded, covering its whole valley at its mouth where it met the Colorado from the sand hills on the south to the foothills on the north. Twenty miles (32 km) to the east of Fort Yuma, it swept away most of the mining boomtown of along with a supply of hay being gathered there to supply the planned advance of the into. Further east the road was flooded, buildings and vehicles swept away and traffic was disrupted for some time thereafter by the mud covering the road to Tucson.

The great flood in the Gila and Colorado rivers, covered their bottom lands with mud. Much of the livestock along the rivers drowned and the crops of the Indians along the river were destroyed. The overflow of the 1862 Colorado River spring flood waters reached the via the and, filling it and creating a lake some 60 miles (97 km) long and 30 miles (48 km) wide. New Mexico The great snow pack laid down during the winter of 1861–62, in the southern, and other ranges, the sources of the, caused a great spring flood in that river that changed its course in the. The flood also impeded the operations of the attempting to cut off the retreating.

On July 8, 1862, Lt. Col., wrote: The Rio Grande has been unusually high this summer, almost the entire bottom between and being still overflowed.

It is impossible at this time to approach Mesilla on the west side of the river, a new channel having been washed out on that side of the town, through which the largest portion of the water flows; besides, the bottom for a long distance is overflowed, and, the soil being of a loose nature, animals mire down in attempting to get through it. Instead of crossing at Messilla, the high waters and course change forced Eyers detachment to cross the Rio Grande, up river at the old below, after waiting another week for the water to go down, which allowed the rearguard of the Confederate Army to escape into. Messilla, built on the west bank of the Rio Grande after the, was left by the movement of the river on its east bank where it remains today. Sonora, Mexico Until the Great Flood of 1862, what became, in, was a shallow tidewater slough, but the extreme flood waters of that year cut its channel much deeper, so that at low tide it still was three fathoms deep.

The mouth of this slough was only 5 miles (8.0 km) from the mouth of the river and sheltered from the extremes of the of the Colorado River and deep enough to prevent stranding on or at low tide. This made it an ideal anchorage for maritime craft to load and unload their cargo and passengers from the that took them up and down river without the danger from the tides that they were having to risk in the. In the month of March 1865, the, from, commanded by, found and entered this slough and discharged her cargo there for the first time.

Subsequently, the steamers, and later ocean-going loaded and off-loaded their cargoes there, and the steamboat company established 2.5 miles (4.0 km) above the mouth of the slough. The port lasted until 1878. After the reached Yuma, it was abandoned the following year, the shipyard there being removed to Yuma. Current interest. Earth System Research Laboratory, NOAA. August 10, 2012.

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Carr, John (1891). Times publishing company. Pp. 291–295, 397. Retrieved 7 October 2010. ^ William H.

Brewer, Up and Down California in 1860-1864: The Journal of William H. Brewer, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1930. California Department of Water Resources. Archived from on 2007-08-24.

Retrieved 2007-10-23. ^ Ingram, B. Lynn (January 1, 2013). Scientific American. Retrieved 19 February 2016.

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^ McGlashan, H. D.; Ebert, F. Geologic Water Supply.

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Retrieved 2 January 2011. Kyle House, Ancient floods, modern hazards: principles and applications of paleoflood hydrology, Volume 1, American Geophysical Union, 2002, p.

297. from wchsutah.org accessed September 24, 2015. Utah State Historical Society, Iron County Commission. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies Ser. LXII–Correspondence, January 23, 1862 Letter from Major Edwin A. Rigg, Fort Yuma, to Col.

Carlton, commanding Southern District, pp.815-818. Thomas Edwin Farish, History of Arizona, Volume I. The Filmer Brothers Electrotype Company, San Francisco, 1915. 252–253. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies Ser. LXII–Correspondence, pp.


865–868. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies Ser. LXII–Correspondence, p. 851. Wheeler, G.M., Annual report on the geographical surveys West of the one-hundredth meridian, in California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Arizona, and Montana: Appendix JJ, AnnualReport of the Chief of Engineers for 1876: Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office. 1876,.

War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Published Under The Direction Of The Hon. Lamont, Secretary of War, BY Maj. Perry, Civilian Expert, Mr. Joseph W Kirkley, Civilian Expert, Board of Publishers. Series I, Volume L, In Two Parts. Part I, Reports, Correspondence, Etc., Government Printing Office, Washington.

1897, p.125 Letter from Lieutenant- Colonel, E. Eyre, First California Volunteer Cavalry at Fort Thorn to Headquarters, Column from California, July 8, 1862.

The Arizona Sentinel. January 14, 1882. United States Hydrographic Office, Government Printing Office. Additional reading. California Extreme Precipitation Symposium.

June 26, 2012. Retrieved March 1, 2016. Hunsaker, Leon; Curran, Claude (November 2005).

Retrieved March 1, 2016. External links.

FIRE 2015 2xLP FAME 001 WORLDWIDE Executive Producer Ron Goudie Produced By Howe Gelb / Scott Garber / Eric Westfall Engineered By Rick Novak / Eric Westfall except 10 - Steve English & Taylor Smith Mixed By Eric Westfall Recorded At The Control Center, Hollywood, CA & Mad Dog, Venice, CA except 10 - Sound Factory, Tucson, AZ Remixed By Jim Blackwood at AZPM Published By Warner Chappell Music Ltd. /Bug Music All Songs By Howe Gelb except: C2 - Johnny Thunders D5 - Willie Nelson D6 - JB Lenoir D7&9 - Bob Dylan D8 - Hank Williams. DISC 2 Howe Gelb Vocals/Guitar Scott Garber Bass/Guitar Neil Harry Steel Guitar) Tom Larkins Drums Paula Jean Brown Bass/Guitar Rainer Ptacek Guitar /Vocals David Seger Guitar (1) Billy Sedlmyer Drums(1) (L-R) Rainer Ptacek - Scott Garber - Paula Jean Brown - Howe Gelb - Tommy Larkins - Neil Harry Special thanks to Sandra Gustchen. Thank you much Jonathan L, Paul Cutler, Lisa and Judy Rosen and especially to the ever lyrical Peggy Ann. Now hush Special thanks to Jim Blackwood for exhaustive research work. Resulting here in the lost tapes of the original intended mixes of 'Valley Of Rain' that were stolen upon landing in Los Angeles - and now it's remastering.