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To day we will discus about how to install BSNL EVDO modem in WIndows 8 OS, BSNL users who are using EVDO service will always face a installation problem or connecting problem in Windows 8 operating system. This is a very simple and clear tutorial tested on BSNL EDVO Prithvi UE100 data card. Users who are using any other cdma data card can also follow the step by step process to configure EVDO data card.

  1. Install Bsnl Evdo Modem In Windows 8
  2. Install Evdo Modem

Following method is also working in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Install BSNL EVDO Modem in Windows 8 Before proceed to installation make sure, 1. Windows 8 or 8.1 or 10 is updated with all its device drivers. No issues found in Device Manager. Step 1#Even if after a successful installation in normal way, most of the users face ‘Device Not Detected' Problem. This happens due to unavailability of modem's device drivers. Step 2# Let's start the installation, Insert EVDO Modem into the USB port in Laptop or Computer and go to ‘My Computer', you will find a CD Drive named ‘BSNL EVDO Data Card'.

The setup of this application is stored in its inbuilt memory. For windows system it autoruns and prompts to install the setup as soon as you plug your USB dongle. But, that is not the case for Linux system. This tutorial explains two solutions on how to setup USB broadband modem devices on your Linux system. Follow the simple 7 steps to configure the USB EVDO modem to conneect in Ubuntu. Find The Modem, Vendor and ProdID Detect the modem using modprobe Plug in modem and see whether it has been found by using dmesg Install dialer 'wvdial' if it is not already installed Configure /etc/wvdial.conf to put phone number, user. Connect Mifi Setup Guide 1. WIFI ROUTER Charge the router by connecting to power point or Computer using USB cable. If connected to Computer, do not run auto-install. Ensure “Router” is selected on the unit side switch. Hold Power button to switch router on. No Sim is required. CONNECTING TO THE WIFI ROUTER.

Back up the modem installation files and folders (required): Right click on the icon and copy paste it in any drive except C partition. Step 3# Now go to backed up data folder or CD Drive in My Computer and click Setup file icon to start the modem installation. Step 4# Whole installation will take few minutes or seconds to complete depending upon the Computer or Laptop configuration, Don't worry just take a cup of Cold Coffee and wait.

Step 5# After successful installation open BSNL EVDO Dashboard just by clicking on the Desktop's BSNL icon, What happen?? Same ‘Device Not detected' issue!!! Step 6# Ok Here is the solution for EVDO connecting issue in Windows 8. Right click on My Computer Icon and select ‘manage' option, it will open ‘Computer Management' Window, Now select ‘ Device Manager' and find out the the devices on right pane which have not been updated with proper driver software. It may be INTF0 or UE100 USB ETS or WinMuxDevice01/02 etc Right click on the device and select ‘Update Device Driver Software' option.

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In next windows which ask to select option to search for software drivers: just select 2nd option- ‘Browse my Computer for driver software'. Now installation will ask to browse the drivers software location in your computer, Don't worry just give the ‘Driver' location in the backed up folder then ‘Ok' and ‘Next'. Now watch following Window:' Windows has successfully updated your driver software'. Now you have successfully install BSNL EVDO modem in Windows 8. Step 7# Woh noh, One again error found: ‘Windows encountered a problem installing the driver software for your device' To solve this issue: Go to C Drive and search ‘VIAUSBMDM' and Delete two files ViaUSBMDM.infamd64 and VIAUSBMDMa64 located under C: Windows System32 DriverStore FileRepository directory and again follow the Step 6#. In case any of the following device error occurred in device manager just follow the step 6# to manually update the driver software.

Install Bsnl Evdo Modem In Windows 8

VIA Telecom Bus Emulator 2. WinMuxDevice01 or WinMuxDevice02 3. UE100 USB ETS 2nd method: If you failed to configure properly or getting some error after successful install or Dashboard not opening even after you double-click on desktop shortcut then follow step below: 1. Download installation folder 2. Extract and move folder to C: Program Files 3. Now go to C: Program Files BSNL Connection Manager BSNL Connection Manager and right-click on ‘BSNL Connection Manager' icon and select ‘Send to' then ‘Desktop (Create shortcut)' 4.

Go to desktop and open EVDO Dashboard using this newly created shortcut 5. Once Dashboard is loaded, Now follow from ‘Step 6' given in 1st method. 3rd method: If you already switched to Micromax which supports BSNL EVDO Sim but facing ‘Qualcomm CDMA Technologies MSM' driver problem, then check this solution: Bonus Tip: (5 Solutions) If you find any more issue regarding EVDO data card just comment, We will try to find out the solution. I faced the same problems with windows 10.

First of all uninstall bsnl iconnection manager using the control panel. (It is possible that you would get a blue screen and computer could restart while uninstalling the files. Don’t worry; just restart it and again go to the control panel to uninstall the bsnl connection manager completely. This time it would successfully uninstall). Restart your computer. Using a different internet connection or one of your friend’s computer, log into You would be asked to register and sign in.

Don’t worry about the site being for south customers; you just have to download a patch from it. After you successfully register and sign in, you’ll see a menu on top.

Move your cursor atop ‘Help’, and lo! You’ll see EVDO card driver; and in that you’ll see the patch for Prithvi Win8. Download it – its a compressed file. (My avast considered it a suspicious file and deleted it as soon as it was downloaded. I had to disable it for 10 minutes for my download to successfully complete). After you have downloaded the compressed file, uncompress it on your computer’s desktop.

You’ll see the help file in pdf. Follow the instructions carefully with the CAUTION. Next- You’ll have to install the bsnl connection manager from the dongle. After the installation finishes, or connection overtime occurs, just ensure that you exit the bsnl connection manager. Without removing the evdo dongle from usb, open the downloaded folder, and follow the instructions in the help file stated above.

Install Evdo Modem


The problem would be solved.