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Applicable Standards American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ANSI A108.01, A108.17, A108.13, A118.10 and A118.12 American National Standards for the Installation of Ceramic Tile ASTM International (ASTM). ASTM C627 Standard Test Method for Evaluating Ceramic Floor Tile Installation Systems Using the Robinson-Type Floor Tester. ASTM D638 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics Tile Council of North America (TCNA) TCNA Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation, TCNA Method EJ171, F125 & F125A. Approvals RedGard® has tested and complies with Uniform Plumbing Code and International Plumbing Code standards for use as a shower pan liner per IAPMO Research and Testing, Inc., File No. RedGard® has tested and complies with International Building Code (IBC), International Residential Code (IRC) and International Plumbing Code (IPC) standards for water resistance per ICC Evaluation Service, ESR-1413. RedGard® conforms to “safing material” requirements established by the Wisconsin Administrative Code, Chapter Comm 84.30-6f. General Surface Prep USE CHEMICAL-RESISTANT GLOVES, such as nitrile, when handling product.
Exterior and wet areas must have proper sloping to drains. All surfaces must be structurally sound, clean, dry and free from contaminants that would prevent a good bond. Newly prepared concrete must be troweled smooth and textured to a fine broom finish and cured for 28 days.
Existing surfaces must be scarified and leveled, and all defects must be repaired. Cracks exceeding 1/8' (3 mm) should be treated in accordance with TCNA F125 or TCNA F125A. Movement Joint Placement Do not bridge joints designed to experience movement. Carry these types of joints through the tile work. Clean the joint and install an open or closed cell-backer rod to the proper depth, as outlined in the Tile Council Handbook, EJ171. Next compress sealant into the joint, coating the sides and leaving the sealant flush with the surface. When the sealant is dry, place bond-breaker tape over the joint.
Apply a minimum 3/64' (1.2 mm) of RedGard® over the joint and the substrate, following the instructions provided previously. Install the tile work onto the membrane, but do not bridge the joint. After the tile work is properly set, follow the architect's and manufacturer's instructions to fill the joint with a specified color sealant. Limitations to the Product.
Do not apply to surfaces that may drop below 40°F (4°C) within 72 hours of application. Do not apply over wet surfaces or surfaces subject to hydrostatic pressure. Do not use to bridge or cover over existing expansion, control, construction, cold or saw cut joints; use Crack Buster® Pro Membrane for control, cold or saw cut joints.
Do not use as an adhesive. Do not use as a wear surface; the membrane must be covered with tile or other permanent flooring. Do not use solvents in conjunction with the membrane.
Bonding to Lightweight Cement and Gypsum Surfaces Lightweight or gypsum-based materials must obtain a minimum of 2000 psi (13.8 MPa) compressive strength at the recommended cure time. The underlayment must be sufficiently dry and properly cured to the manufacturer's specifications for permanent, non-moisture permeable coverings. Surfaces to be covered must be clean, structurally sound and subject to deflection not to exceed the current ANSI standards. Expansion joints must be installed in accordance with local building codes and ANSI/TCNA guidelines. Prime all surfaces to receive RedGard ® with properly applied manufacturer's sealer or with a primer coat of RedGard ®, consisting of 1 part RedGard ®, diluted with 4 parts clean, cool water. In a clean pail, mix at low speed to obtain a lump-free solution. The primer can be brushed, rolled or sprayed to achieve an even coat.
Apply the primer coat to the floor at a rate of 300 ft/gallon (7.5 M/L) of reduced material. When dry, apply at least one full coat of RedGard ® to the primed area. Vapor Barrier When used as a vapor barrier, apply one full coat (70 sq. Per gallon) where vapor transmission is up to 8 lbs. Per day and two full coats (70 sq. Per gallon each coat) where vapor transmission is up to 12 lbs. Refer to ASTM F1869 for more information on Vapor Transmission Testing.
Application of Product SHOWER RECEPTORS INSTALLATION Download the illustrated installation details by clicking on the link above or go to CustomBuildingProducts.com/TSD, select “Tile” as the installation type and select the appropriate illustrated TCNA detail by number (example: B414). RedGard at Drains Drains should have a clamping ring with open weep holes for thin-set application. Apply the membrane to the bottom of the flange. The drain should be fully supported, without movement, and should be even with the plane of the substrate. Apply the RedGard membrane around drain. Embed a 12' x 12' (30 x 30 cm) fiberglass mesh into the membrane, making sure it does not obstruct the drainage weep holes. Then apply an additional coat of the membrane and smooth.
After curing, clamp the upper flange onto the membrane and tighten. Use a silicone caulk around the flange where the membrane and the upper flange make contact. A toilet flange can be handled in much the same manner. RedGard® as Crack Prevention Membrane Force RedGard® into cracks with the flat side of the trowel, roller or brush.
Using a 3/16'-1/4' (5-6 mm) V-notch trowel or 3/8' (9.5 mm) rough textured roller. Use the flat side of the trowel and flatten the ridges to form a continuous, even coat of material. The membrane should extend a minimum of the diagonal measurement of the tile beyond both sides of the crack. Gaps between plywood sheets and where floors meet walls must also be prefilled. For continuous crack isolation, cover the entire substrate with RedGard® applied at a rate of 100 sq. To meet the requirements of ANSI A118.12, apply two coats of RedGard at a rate of 50 sq.
Per gallon each coat. RedGard® as General Waterproof Membrane (ANSI 118.10) Cracks to 1/8' (3 mm) should be prefilled before beginning the waterproofing application.
Lightly dampen all porous surfaces. Use a 3/4' (19 mm) roughtextured synthetic roller or a 3/16'-1/4' (56 mm) Vnotch trowel and heavily precoat the corners and the intersections where the floors and walls meet, extending 6' (15 cm) on either side. For extra protection, embed a 6' (15 cm) wide fiberglass mesh into the membrane for changes of plane and for gaps 1/8' (3 mm) or greater. Apply RedGard at a rate or 110 sq ft per gallon each coat. If using a trowel, spread the material with the trowel held at a 45° angle, and then flattens the ridges. If using a roller, apply a continuous, even film with overlapping strokes. An airless sprayer may be used for the waterproofing application. The sprayer must produce between 1900 - 2300 psi, with a flow rate of 1.0 - 1.5 GPM and must have a tip orifice size of 0.025 - 0.029.
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Apply a continuous film with overlapping spray. The membrane appearance is pink when wet and dries to a dark red color. It typically takes 1-1.5 hours to turn completely red. After the first coat turns red, inspect the film for integrity and fill any voids or pinholes with additional material. Apply a second coat at right angles to the first coat. To meet the requirements of IAMPO, Two coats should be applied at a rate of 80 sq. Per gallon each coat.
In all cases the wetfilm thickness should not exceed 125 mils. Insignia dvd player update. Product Warranty Custom® Building Products warrants to the original consumer purchaser that its product shall be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal and proper usage for a period of one year following the date of original purchase. CUSTOM's sole liability under this warranty shall be limited to the replacement of the product. Some states, countries or territories do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty will not extend to any product which has been modified in any way or which has not been used in accordance with CUSTOM's printed instructions.
CUSTOM makes no other warranties either expressed or implied. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights that vary from state to state or from one country/territory to another. This warranty is not transferrable. Coverage Chart Size Coverage RedGard as Crack Prevention Membrane: 1 Gallon (3.78 L) 100 sq. Ft (9.3 M 2) 3.5 Gallon (13.2 L) 350 sq.
(32.5 M 2) RedGard as Crack Prevention Membrane meeting ANSI A118.12 1 Gallon (3.78 L) 25 sq. (2.3 M 2) 3.5 Gallon (13.2 L) 88 sq. (8.2 M M 2) RedGard as Waterproof Membrane: 1 Gallon (3.78 L) 55 sq. (5.1 M 2) 3.5 Gallon (13.2 L) 192 sq.
(17.8 M 2) RedGard as IAPMO Pan Liner meeting ANSI A118.10: 1 Gallon (3.78 L) 40 sq. (3.7 M 2) 3.5 Gallon (13.2 L) 140 sq. (13 M 2) Chart for estimating purposes.
Coverage may vary based on installation practices and jobsite conditions.
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