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As the market unfolds you just monitor the larger degree swings for ongoing confirmation or a reversal in the larger degree. Each step of the way in any trend can be confirmed using the 1:1 correction rule or overbalancing rule.

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Date Author Title 1992 Abalkin,L. Scientific Heritage of N. Kondratiev & Comtemporaniety 1932 Abbot, C.G.

25 Years' Study of Solar Radiation 1927 Abbot, C.G. A Group of Solar Changes 1941 Abbot, C.G. An Important Weather Element Hitherto Generally Disregard 1946 Abbot, C.G.

Cycles in Solar Activity 1936 Abbot, C.G. Cycles in Tree-Ring Widths 1966 Abbot, C.G. Forecasting From Harmonic Periods In Precipitation 1933 Abbot, C.G. Forecasts of Solar Variation 1936 Abbot, C.G. Further Evidence on the Dependence of Terrestrial 1952 Abbot, C.G.

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Important Interferences with Normals in Weather Record, Associated with Sunspot Frequency 1953 Abbot, C.G. Long-Range Effects of the Sun's Variation on The Temperature of Washington DC 1959 Abbot, C.G. Long-Range Weather Forecasting 1949 Abbot, C.G. Montezuma Solar-Constant Values & Their Periodic Solar Variations 1955 Abbot, C.G. Periodic Solar Variation 1952 Abbot, C.G. Periodicities In The Solar-Content Measures 1932 Abbot, C.G. Periodicity in Solar Variation 1952 Abbot, C.G.

Precipitation & Temperature in Washington, D.C. For 1951 and 1952 1955 Abbot, C.G. Sixty Year Weather Forecast 1955 Abbot, C.G. Sixty-Year Weather Forecast 1935 Abbot, C.G. Solar Radiation And Weather Studies 1952 Abbot, C.G. Solar Variation & Precipitation At Peoria, IL 1953 Abbot, C.G. Solar Variation a Leading Weather Element 1963 Abbot, C.G.

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Solar Variation and Weather 1962 Abbot, C.G. Solar Variations and Weather 1933 Abbot, C.G. Sun Spots and Weather 1936 Abbot, C.G. The Dependence Of Terrestrial Temperatures On The Variations Of The Sun's Radiation 1932 Abbot, C.G. The Periodometer: An Instrument For Finding & Evaluating Periodic 1946 Abbot, C.G.

The Sun Makes The Weather 1947 Abbot, C.G. The Sun's Short Regular Variation & It's Large Effect on Terrestrial Temperature 1939 Abbot, C.G. The Weekly Period In Washington Precipitation 1931 Abbot, C.G. Weather Dominated by Solar Changes 1936 Abbot, C.G. Weather Governed By Changes In The Sun's Radiation 1953 Abbott, C.G. Solar Variation a Leading Weather Element 1942 Abbott, W.N The Electrical Factor in Metabolism 1950 Abbott, W.N. The Electrical Factor in Metabolism vol.

2 1981 Abdu'l-Baha Some Answered Questions 1965 Abrami, Giovanni Ricerche Sul Ritmo Antesico 1968 Abrami, Giovanni Ritmi Climtici e Pratiche Agrarie 1970 Abramowitz, Milton (Editor) Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1962 Ackerman, Eugene Biophysical Science 1986 Acres USA Desk Reference 19 Volumes 1974 Addey, John The Discrimination of Birth Types In Relation to D 1988 Adizes, Ichak Corporate Lifecycles 1966 Aginsky, Burt W. (Editor) A Methodology For The Comparitive Study of Population.Cultre. and Language 1998 Agliardi, Elettra Positive Feedback Economies 1946 Airaksinen, K.

Kanalintujen Runsaudenvaihtelusta Suomessa 1935 Aitken, Robert G. The Binary Stars 1959 Ajello, Luigi I Bioritmi 1970 Albertus, Frater Men And The Cycles Of The Universe 1980 Albritton, Claude C. The Abyss of Time 1976 Alcock, N.

A Diachronic Model of Civil Violence 2001 Alexander, Carol Mastering Risk vol. 2 1966 Alfven, Hannes Worlds-Antiworlds 1991 All Chart DX All Chart DX Weekly, (Japanese Language) 1993 Allan, Walter (Editor) A Critique of Keynesian Economics 1949 Allee, W.C. Principles of Animal Ecology 1974 Allen, C.M. How to Wheel & Deal in Gold & Silver 1966 Allen, Myron S. Psycho-Dynamic Synthesis 1959 Alt, George T. Our Economic Dilemma 1935 Alvarez, A.

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Metal Statistics 1937 1991 American Geophysical Union Journal of Geophysical Research 3 volumes 1991 American Geophysical Union U.S.