Looking for a print copy or other language translations? See: Kanban is a popular way to visualize and limit work-in-progress in software development and information technology work. Teams around the world are adding kanban around their existing processes to catalyze cultural change and deliver better business agility.
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This book answers the questions: What is Kanban? Why would I want to use Kanban? How do I go about implementing Kanban? How do I recognize improvement opportunities and what should I do about them?
Kanban Successful Evolutionary Change For Your Technology Business Epub
FREE PDF [DONWLOAD] FREE Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business. The Kanban Maturity Model (KMM) book codifies experience collected by companies using Kanban in different industries. KMM helps improving business agility, alignment around a purpose, products and services as to delight customers. This page provides most relevant information.