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Originally Posted by deanb1234 Hey guys, I currently have Panny TC-58PS1 and it is suffering from the IR and black level problem. I have been researching its replacement and have narrowed it down to the Sammy 58c550 or the LG 55LE5400 LED.
I game heavily and was curious about input lag and motion blur with games and also blu-rays. I am not a fan of the Soap Opera effect either so how customizable are motion enhancers for someone who is used to motion on a plasma display, will I be constantly annoyed or will I not be able to notice a difference. Also the best buy guy told me that people seem to notice pixleation and a lot of screen artifacts in this tv with a lot of action and/or explosions, is this true as well? Any other info or caveats about either tv if you know em would be great. Thanks, Dean I have a Samsung 50c450 720p model and my next set is going to be the 55LE5400 LED LCD. It has an IPS panel so it has low lag and great viewing angles along with no LCD ghosting (all of these are problems with the Samsung LCDs for example) The Samsung plasma sets also have high lag, just not as bad as their LCD cousins.
Buzzing varries on a unit to unit basis so you won't know how bad it is until you get one. Banding also varries from unit to unit on Sammy plasma sets. The only problem with the LG at this point is that some units have problems with 1080p 60hz, which would be an easy firmware fix if LG decides to do it. We do need more data on this issue, like what size screen you have and what firmware version your set has. Originally Posted by PENDRAG0ON I have a Samsung 50c450 720p model and my next set is going to be the 55LE5400 LED LCD. It has an IPS panel so it has low lag and great viewing angles along with no LCD ghosting (all of these are problems with the Samsung LCDs for example) The Samsung plasma sets also have high lag, just not as bad as their LCD cousins. Buzzing varries on a unit to unit basis so you won't know how bad it is until you get one.
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Banding also varries from unit to unit on Sammy plasma sets. The only problem with the LG at this point is that some units have problems with 1080p 60hz, which would be an easy firmware fix if LG decides to do it. We do need more data on this issue, like what size screen you have and what firmware version your set has. Awesome thanks for the info. Originally Posted by deanb1234 Hey guys, I currently have Panny TC-58PS1 and it is suffering from the IR and black level problem. I have been researching its replacement and have narrowed it down to the Sammy 58c550 or the LG 55LE5400 LED.
I game heavily and was curious about input lag and motion blur with games and also blu-rays. I am not a fan of the Soap Opera effect either so how customizable are motion enhancers for someone who is used to motion on a plasma display, will I be constantly annoyed or will I not be able to notice a difference.
Also the best buy guy told me that people seem to notice pixleation and a lot of screen artifacts in this tv with a lot of action and/or explosions, is this true as well? Any other info or caveats about either tv if you know em would be great. Thanks, Dean I have the PS3 hooked up through HDMI and use the 'Game' setting. This seems to pretty much eliminate any small amount of lag that there is. On top of that the 'Game' setting is still custimizable so you can tweak the picture to your liking. For me I have not had any issues with Lag or ghosting on this set and I have owned and have seen other friends own many other LCD's and plasmas.
I could have bought any tv out there within the price range of this tv and I chose this one as I felt it was the very best tv I have seen. I tried the Sammy LCD's but the glossy screen screwed the experience up especially when there were lights in the room as that caused rainbows to reflect off the surface of the screen. This Matte screen is the best for minimizing glare issues for sure.
In regards to the soap opera effect you can easily turn this off and it will look 'normal' to you. Although for sports and certain movies (I preferred 300 with true motion on) you may prefer it as it almost looks 3d at times. I have read in a previous post regarding the 1080p/60hz issue but I do not have that issue myself. There are alot of settings in the ps3 and I am not 100 percent convinced that the other guys on here are setting their systems up correctly. I have played many games and watched many blu rays on my ps3 without any kind of negative result. Originally Posted by slapshot1848 I have read in a previous post regarding the 1080p/60hz issue but I do not have that issue myself.
There are alot of settings in the ps3 and I am not 100 percent convinced that the other guys on here are setting their systems up correctly. I have played many games and watched many blu rays on my ps3 without any kind of negative result. Slapshot1848 Which games in 1080p are you playing?
I have the FF XIII which has 1080p resolution with HDCP, many game upscarle the 720p to 1080p, but that are not really 1080p. Please let me know if any of your games really support 1080p or if you have FF XIII. Been playing around with calibrating this TV for use on my PC. One thing I have observed is that there is a bit of a red push. Looking at the gradient test pattern found I observed a red crush of the last three color squares. A workaround for this can be done by running the windows vista/7 monitor calibration tool and at the end of the wizard move the red slider to the left about 4 ticks.
It would be nice however if I could do this from the TV itself. Another thing is I can't figure out how to defeat the sharpness/blur filter. Bosch manuals washing machine. Even with the most balanced setting (50) I can't seem to eliminate artifacts around some text. But that said, here are the settings I use: Aspect Ratio: Just Scan Picture Mode: Game (user) Backlight: 60 Contrast: 78 Brightness: 74 Sharpness: 40 Color: 55 Tint: 0 Color Temp: 0 Dyn. Contrast: off Dyn.
Color: off Clear White: Off Skin Color: 0 Noise Reduction: off digital noise reduction: off Gamma: Medium Black Level: Low Eye Care: Off Color Gamut: Wide EDIT: Re-calibrated with expert mode, still can't seem to defeat the sharpness filter even with turning edge filter off, however the red push is easily fixed within those settings. Originally Posted by Soundman268.On some, but not all, such broadcasts, whenever there is a picture dominated by green, such as grass or trees, the picture quality seems to deteriorate.
Specifically, some edges seem to blur a bit, grass gets sort of wavy looking, and if a ball is flying across the screen with a green background, it appear to 'split' into three balls with the real one in the center and ghost balls on either side. I've been trying many different setting combinations but haven't been able to eliminate the issue entirely. Does anyone else see this on their set, and does anyone have any suggestions on what I might try? Looks like nobody has picked up on your question. I don't see this effect on mine, but I get my feed through FIOS. What you are seeing could be due to the amount of digital compression and conversion that DirecTV is doing to the video stream. Not only can they apply varying degrees of compression, they also transcode the stream - from the original MPEG2 (I assume) feed to MPEG4 and then back again to MPEG2 in their set top box.
Anywhere in that process could be causing the effect you see. Because the SAT guys have limited (i.e. Not enough) bandwidth on their birds, they implement compression which degrades the signal. The amount of compression is selectable by them. This allows them to 'dial back' the compression on the Super Bowl, while ratcheting up compression elsewhere to make up for the additional bandwidth taken up by the Super Bowl broadcast. The other possibility is that the motion smoothing features in the TV are not doing so well with that particular combination of video information, or TruMotion is OFF.
Try toggling the TruMotion setting to different values and/or set it to USER and mess with the judder & blur settings. One thing I do notice on the 5400 series is that backlight bleed is noticeable at almost any off-axis viewing angle on a black image. When I sit in a position that is dead nuts on 0 degrees, then the backlight seems a lot less bright with a black image. But if you move just a few 10's of degrees off axis, you see a lot of backlight from all sides of the screen. That said, I did the same experiment with an actual image on the screen and I cannot see any difference whatsoever. So is seems like an 'academic' issue at best. BTW I was using a computer via HDMI for this.
One other thing - I have doubts that this is an IPS panel. Doing the finger test on mine at home, I can see black waves coming out. It's very faint, but if done over a solid white image it's definitely visible.
That, and the input lag seems rather high both in an actual test and playing counterstrike in clone mode with this monitor and a CRT with both running at 1920x1080 with the LE5400 in game mode. The LE5400 is considerably behind the CRT. Is there any source that can confirm this is an IPS panel? The manual doesn't mention it anywhere, nor do any websites. Originally Posted by HTBruceM One thing I do notice on the 5400 series is that backlight bleed is noticeable at almost any off-axis viewing angle on a black image. When I sit in a position that is dead nuts on 0 degrees, then the backlight seems a lot less bright with a black image.
But if you move just a few 10's of degrees off axis, you see a lot of backlight from all sides of the screen. That said, I did the same experiment with an actual image on the screen and I cannot see any difference whatsoever. So is seems like an 'academic' issue at best. BTW I was using a computer via HDMI for this. Hey guys, I finally made up my mind and picked up the 55LE5400, seems like a kick ass tv, but I also notice the back light bleed, this is my first led so I am not sure if it is normal or not, but it does look a little splotchy, almost like the screen was pushed on in certain areas, also it is really noticeable at the very top dead center like there is a light shining from under neath the bezel. Coming from plasma and rear projection I am unaware as to how this is supposed to really look, I will try and post up pics tomorrow and let you guys judge if it is just new tv jitters or really a problem. But other then the backlight the tv is awesome, very good blacks and detailed image, pq so far is above my expectations.
Originally Posted by deanb1234 ok so I decided to go ahead and post up a pic, this was taken with an old crackberry so please excuse the poor quality. The low res image doesn't show the splotchy-ness i was talking about but does show the excessive bleed on the edges. Let me know if this is normal for led's or if I should exchange this one as it has problems. Thanks, Dean I do notice a little backlight bleed when there isn't a picture on the screen, once there is an image I notice zero uniformity issues so I don't see it as a big problem. Do you expereince bleed or picture issues when images are present? If so then I'd say it is an issue, if not then I wouldn't worry about it because how often do you look at a blank screen? Originally Posted by woodyjoe I havent seen the 5300 but the 5400 is a higher end model so it should have more features.
I havent seen the specs on the 5300 so I cant really answer. Not sure anyone can unless they've compared side by side. I was wondering the same since I bought the 55' LE5300, from what I can see on LG website the sets are pretty much the same except no interent connectivity with the 5300 series and 4,000,000 to 1 vs 3,000,000 to 1 on the 5300. Otherwise I see them being the same unit really. I got my 5300 a week ago but have not had time to set it up but I need to do asap to ensure it works proper and I bought the BD570C LG BR player as well. Praying I do not have any of the lip sync issues I have seen mentioned. I have a 1Gb Maxtor One Touch hard drive hooked up to my 55le5400 right now with a ton of 'backed' up movies on it.
99% of the movies/shows play just fine. I was trying to play Daybreakers in 720p and the only audio I could get to play was the directors commentary. I went to the video playback menu and selected the 2nd audio track, but that had no sound. When the exact same file is played on my laptop using VLC media player the sound for the movie is what plays (also used windows media player from W7, same results). I am also able to turn on/off the subtitles with VLC on the laptop but not the LG. Not like I need the subs, but it would be nice. I went through every menu I could find and changed every setting to try and alter the audio track, no dice.
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I ended up just hooking the laptop up to the LG and watching it that way, but I would rather the LG just do it from the hard drive! My father in law bought the 47LE5400. I suggested a regular 120Hz TV but he liked the LED's in the store. It looks very nice but i'm having networking problems on it. I set it up with the wifi router i bought for him. It tests fine. Netflix works fine along with some of the widgets i played with.
Problem is Google. YouTube and Picassa always time out. I can't log into his google account or play a video without getting a network time out error. Tried using cat5 cable and get the same thing. I bought him a Linksys E1000 router but haven't set it up yet. He's on a cheap trendnet i bought him last year. His ISP is cablevision in NYC.
Internet works fine including going to google. I can stream youtube on my iphone via his internet with no issues. Only via the TV is there a problem.
Anyone experience anything like this? Originally Posted by Viper2847 So is this TV using an IPS panel or not? It seems very unclear what kind of panel its using.
If the viewing angles are really so good on it, theres no way it can be a VA panel as all of them, even SPVA have very noticeable washout when viewed off angle, especially on the blacks. That should be an easy test to see if this LG is indeed using an IPS panel or not. I could not get a single ripple out of the 55' at my local walmart, no matter how hard I pressed it, the Sony and Samsung sets rippled (The glossy C630 was harder to get ripples out of due to the hard screen, but it still did it) This is usually the best test for an IPS panel.

And remember everyone, this is only an IPS panel, not a IPS Alpha panel which are much better in every area, but are still limited to smaller screen sizes. Originally Posted by AlphaWolf One other thing - I have doubts that this is an IPS panel. Doing the finger test on mine at home, I can see black waves coming out. It's very faint, but if done over a solid white image it's definitely visible.
That, and the input lag seems rather high both in an actual test and playing counterstrike in clone mode with this monitor and a CRT with both running at 1920x1080 with the LE5400 in game mode. The LE5400 is considerably behind the CRT. Is there any source that can confirm this is an IPS panel?
The manual doesn't mention it anywhere, nor do any websites. @pendragoon it seems to be based on this post that it may vary from each set. I guess its more like a lottery than being assured this model comes with an IPS panel.
Has anyone else tested this? Im on the fence between this and the Sony EX700 and Samsung C750, any comparisons would also be helpful.
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Id also be interested to know how much input lag this TV gives with game mode ON, thanks. Originally Posted by oofki I spoke with LG a few minutes ago and they said it changes nothing on the TV, only brings netcast up to date. I haven't even seen a difference in netcast though. I'm going to beg to differ with whoever spoke to you. It appears to have solved the sharpness issue I was running into earlier, and I am not certain yet, but it also seems to have lowered the input lag from 99ms to around 64ms when you have your HDMI1 input labeled as 'PC' (and only if you are getting game/pc input from HDMI1 naturally.). Originally Posted by Viper2847 @pendragoon it seems to be based on this post that it may vary from each set.
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I guess its more like a lottery than being assured this model comes with an IPS panel. Has anyone else tested this? Im on the fence between this and the Sony EX700 and Samsung C750, any comparisons would also be helpful.
Id also be interested to know how much input lag this TV gives with game mode ON, thanks. Well the touch test I am doing I see only a tiny amount of waves compared to other panels. I don't think the 'wave' effect is totally avoidable with any LCD tech (we are inevitably dealing with liquid crystal afterall) so it could still be an IPS panel, just I am not certain of it myself.
Originally Posted by AlphaWolf Well the touch test I am doing I see only a tiny amount of waves compared to other panels. I don't think the 'wave' effect is totally avoidable with any LCD tech (we are inevitably dealing with liquid crystal afterall) so it could still be an IPS panel, just I am not certain of it myself. Ok, well i hope it really is using an IPS panel. If it really is im guessing the colors are pretty amazing on this TV?
I have a dell monitor with an IPS panel and believe it or not the colors sometimes even look better on it than my XBR8. (yes the mighty local dimming LED Sony XBR8 which many say come close or match/surpass the Elite Kuro) Has this audio issue been solved yet? Can you give me a brief description of what you think about the picture quality on this set? Mainly interested in sports HD/games/bluray but anything would be helpful, thanks.