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  1. Cornershop Cornershop And The Double-o Groove Of Rare

Cornershop Cornershop And The Double-o Groove Of Rare

Taken from the acclaimed album 'Cornershop & The Double Of Groove Of'. Video created by film-maker and photographer Phil Miller. Buy the album direct from us: Listen on Spotify The video replaces the roundness of the record player with the roundness of the laundrette machines, and their back & forth action represents the the mixture of a sound & song that really shouldn't work but does, with human warmth & northern brass - a bit like the career of Cornershop as a whole. It is the first time Bubbley Kaur has ever been in a video, & actually the first song she ever wrote under the tutelage of Tjinder Singh.

Cornershop ft Bubbley Kaur - Once There Was A Wintertime - from the album Cornershop & The Double 'o' Groove Of.

For more in the series please check the album Cornershop & The Double-O Groove of, which has shown itself high contender for Album Of the Year in most magazines and musical outlets. Please join us, & help spread the word: Exclusive free track featuring M.I.A. Insta: cornershophq.